Tuesday, 22 March 2011

You were saying Esther???

So here I am on my day off placement and I was reading my friend Emma's blog and I thought back yesterday to a text conversation I had with my lovely friend Esther. We were discussing our life lists and Esther said we should start a blog, as it seems to be the thing to do these days. Anyways when reading Emma's blog I see a little link which says "MAKE YOUR OWN BLOG". So I looked at this link and I thought to myself "What else do I have to do that would prevent me from indeed making my own blog?". After I went through my mental check list of things to do I decided that making this blog would be both more exciting and fulfilling than hanging up the washing or doing some readings for my essays so I clicked on that link and here I am first post done YAY!

So here begins my blog about my life list and the adventures I go on completing this list. Right now I actually do have to go and get myself ready for yoga tonight, just in case I get a phone call from my mum saying she needs picked up and I'm sat blogging in my jeans, looking like I'm ready for a night out rather than a sweat session (Long story basically I had to get passport photos taken today so of course I had to straighten my hair and put make up on something I very rarely do but I plan to look back at this photo in ten years and not be embarrassed or caught up in how terrible my skin is etc) ANYWAYS sorry slight divergence from the point...what I am trying to say is that with my next blog I will explain what the term "Life list" means to me, share with you all my life list and then the adventure will begin.


1 comment:

  1. loving it fayebelles. i look forward to the photographic evidence of us hoofing it up a mountain while cath and andrew look on with much mirth.

    (the carbfest will be worth it though).
