Thursday, 24 March 2011

So what exactly is a life list???

So here's the post were it gets technical people, this is were we get down to the complex issues, the rationale behind the blog, you get the answer to the question on everyones lips...what exactly is a life list??

Ok so I'm hamming it up a bit there, but if you can't have some innocent melodrama from time to time what's the point? Anyways as you all no doubt know already a life list is just a much more positive slant on the bucket list concept. However a life list is a much more positive affair.
Bucket list = Things to do before I die
Life list = Things I want to do in the here and now to enhance my life (yeah it sounds cheesy as I said same concept different slant)

The idea of a life list came from a conversation with my friend Esther (we have a lot of conversations which usually end up in things happening usually involving food or cocktails or Nicolas Cage movies it's all good) and Esther was commenting about her life list (of which, incidentally, I have a copy but it is not mine to share peer pressure to start a twin blog has commenced in earnest). I was all "What's a life list?" and what followed was remarkably similar to the last paragraph. ANYWAYS during that particularly boring lecture (I can't even remember who took it so there will be no naming and shaming) I was very bold and I starting doing my own life list which is will share with you momentarily.

What I have found surprising though is that while the essence of my life list is the same when I typed it up, a good 6 months after having done the initial draft there were certain things I took out. Some of those were due to my change in diet (somehow the desire to make a perfect new york baked cheesecake isn't quite as strong when you are dairy intolerant funnily enough) well in fact any changes I did make we for this read heh. But another important point is I don't feel as if my list is complete. It's hard to explain as I can't think of anything more I want to put on it but I don't feel as if it contains everything I want to do. I thought about looking at other people's life lists but that really is just copying heh so I have decided my life list is not complete and can be added to whenever I discover something new I want to do. I'm only 25 so things are going to change as my life progresses I am going to (hopefully) come into contact with many new, unusual, interesting things in my life and hopefully these will go someway to shaping my life list.

Enough blabbering it's time for the money shot...what follows, my good people, is my (currently incomplete) life list. I will share with you my progress with the list with photographic evidence were appropriate (I'm thinking the picture of myself and esther on the top of a mourne mountain will not be very pretty, most likely be flushed and sweaty and one I am not will to put on a public domain such as this one!!!). Enjoy, feel free to comment and any suggestions will not go amiss (suggestion isn't a form of cheating right?)

Run marathon
Have a baby (or two or three)
Own my own house
Become a good/competent cook
Visit New Zealand
See the Northern Lights
Have my own vegetable patch
Make the perfect chocolate cake
Have a cosmopolitan in New York
Climb a mountain with Esther
Get another tattoo
Take a counselling course
Learn to knit
Watch Jaws
Visit Easter Island
Read “War and Peace”
Visit the Outer Hebrides
Own a cat
Own a dog
Grown strawberries and peas
Watch the Alien Triology
Watch Space Odessy 2001
Own chickens
Learn how to give a proper massage
Visit Japan during cherry blossom season
Try yoga
Go surfing and stand up
Make a signature jam
Give blood
Learn how to play backgammon
See a production of “Wicked” on broadway
Cook a family Christmas dinner
Set up “Belfast Action on Street Health”
Make a tasty loaf of bread
Knit a cardigan
Knit a jumper
Knit a matching scarf and glove set
Own a sewing machine and make my own reusable bags
Design and make my own table cover and matching napkins
Learn baby massage

1 comment:

  1. i saw this recipe on smitten, which looks like an extremely tasty loaf of bread - maybe one to try?
