Thursday, 14 April 2011

moved blogs

I have moved fickle I am but this one is way easier to work and so far ive been able to make it a lot prettier!!! just click on this posts title and you will be taken there!!

Tuesday, 12 April 2011


I really am an idiot didn't realise "War and Peace" was over 900pages long with really small writing so much for scoring that one off my life list during my easter holidays lol

Monday, 11 April 2011

Lovely weekend!!!

So placement is finished YAY! After some stressing mark is in: all is good.

So i got the weekend off and it was lovely. Spent it with my lovely husband (the very one who thinks it would be weird to leave me a comment on this blog as "we're together 24/7 anyway"). Had a picnic (can't say we were inspired enough to make it ourselves it was more of a head to M&S kinda affair lol) went to a spot just outside Killyleagh was so tranquil and lovely. Then after visiting Andrew's mum and spending some quality time with the lovely Tess (seen to the side there for all you folks who haven't had the pleasure of her company) we trundled back home. Then we actually made use of the lovely day...Andrew cut the grass and I cleaned the kitchen. But most importantly I decanted my Blackberry Vodka and all became good in the world!!!!!!!

Now I am not such a hard core drinker that I can drink spirits neat I just can't do blackberyy vodka + lemonade became my poison for the evening and YUMMY is all im saying!!!!!

Anyways onto Sunday and I was home owner extraodnaire- I cleaned all my ground floor windows and you know what I used vinegar and water to clean it none of this chemical stuff for me so maybe my desire to try and be a little more environmentally friendly isn't a pipe dream that I am completely incapable of doing I just might be a little step at a time kinda person. Oh and lovely Catherine came over and she also mightly enjoyed my Blackberry Vodka!! Next on to try is Rhubarb and Vanilla vodka mmmmmmmmmmmmm

So my holidays have started so I have three weeks in which I need to do essaying and then I have some holidaying and thats about it...I think I will examine the life list though see if there is anything I might be able to achieve in this time...or if there's anything more I wish to add heh


Tuesday, 5 April 2011

Continuing the theme of wishful interneting

So yes I know I should be up cleaning the house or doing essays or something productive but I started to look on the internet regarding things on my life list, in particular the ones that involve travelling, and I have found something that looks really cool...apparently every January in a place called Tromso in Norway they have a Northern Lights festival, best explained by the link below!!!! I think I should edit my life list to not only be see the northern lights but to go to this festival too. I mean unfortunatly the northern lights is one of those things you could travel all the way to norway to see and not even see it...nature plays entirely by its own why not go to what sounds like a really cool festival at the same time and that way it won't have been an entirely wasted trip!!!

All this being considering the fact that I am penniless and jobless kinda scuppers the immediate realisation of this plan which is why I bought a copy of "War and Peace" today for £1.99 off amazon lol the cheap way to cross an item off the life list lol and maybe I should get back to my knitting rather than surfing the internet for ideas on life list items that are on the back burner!!!!

On another note (totally forgot to say!) step one of getting a cat has been passed...we had our home visit from the cat protection society and we passed!!! Now all we need to do is get a letter from our landlords saying that they have no problem with a pet in the house and we are good to go!!! very exciting, hopefully the landlords say yes as it would be lovely to have a bit of animal company around the house

wishful interneting

so I'm looking online at flights to New Zealand rather than getting up and actually doing something productive with my day...the fact I have no money, no job and no holiday time coming up anything soon clearly means nothing to me lol so I should probably really stop looking before i depress myself

Asides from that the advert on the website were a woman is practically nose to nose with a kangaroo is freaking me out, does she not realise kangaroos are vicious little buggers that have a pretty nasty kick??? foolish woman in your bikini enjoying the sun while i freeze!!!

On another note have started reading "Let the right one in" so far so good though only on chapter 2 haha also ordered a few more volumes of the sandman series very excited about that as vol.1 was awesome!!!